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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

just a theory

Just a theory that I've been thinking about for the better part of a year. So here goes.

What kind of selfish god expects followers to take time out of their lives solely for the purpose of deity worship? Couldn't that time be better spent in service to others, giving aid to those in need?

Seriously. If I was whatever deity is up there, if any (I don't effing know, ok?), the whole devout worship thing would get super duper old after the first millennium or so. I would find it really awkward. Although, I'm not god.

a quote to ponder

"Ask yourselves this question; How is a person truly free until they can think and act for themselves? God gave us free will so that we could choose His love. You see, He wanted us to understand our commitment. To be grown up about it. If you ask me, "Am I Christian?", I say to you, if you strive to do good, then you're a Christian. If you don't seek to hurt or betray others, you're a Christian. If you're true to yourself and treat others as you'd have them treat you, you're a Christian. The more a person parades their Christianity for the benefit of other, the less I'm inclined to trust the Christianity they claim to bring. God tells us, true faith is the freedom to choose truth. Now, how you express that, the way, the manner, the means at your disposal, these things are of no consequence, be you Christian or Atheist - unless in your heart you are true."

^that's from the movie Driving Lessons. Excellent movie

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